Registered Herbicides
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General Description:
- often a tangling plant, and may be up to 80 inches
- slender taproot.
- square stems have downward pointing bristles.
- leaves are linear, stiff-hairy, mostly in whorls of 6
to 8.
- flowers are minute, white, 4-parted, and borne on
short branches in the leaf axils.
- fruits are densely
covered in fine hooked hairs.
Life cycle: annual
Habitat/ Distribution/ Crops associated with:
- common throughout the west.
- serious weed in cultivated fields, particularly in hay
or grain.
- dispersed typically by animals and humans because of
the hooked hairs on seed.
Herbicide Control Notes:
- Goal is very effective. Basagran plus Goal has
provided good control in research plots; however, control might be compromised in some
situations by rates lower than those labeled. Gramoxone is effective on very young plants.