Biology and Management
Registered Herbicides
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Field Bindweed Seedling |
Field Bindweed Flowers |

Field bindweed is a
perennial, and spreads both by seed and creeping roots. The cotyledons on the seedlings
are spatulate in shape, broad, and indented at the tip. Mature leaves are alternate and
spade or heart shaped. Mature plants have a prostrate growth form. Flowers are pink
or white and funnel shaped. There are two small bracts about one inch below the flowers.
Once established, this weed is difficult to control and is a serious weed in mint
production. |
Field Bindweed Mature
Plants |
Description |
This section contains information on identification of
the different life stages of Field Bindweed. Select Biology and Management from the
Contents Menu for more information on the biology and management, or select Registered
Herbicides for the herbicides that are registered to control this weed in mint. |