Registered Herbicides
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General Description:
mature plant is 8 to 24
inches tall.
- leaves alternate, 2 to 3 times
pinnately compound.
- segments very narrow or linear.
- seedling similar to pinnate
tansymustard, oblong cotyledon, tri-lobed leaf shape, deeply lobed margin.
- seedlings have narrow cotyledons with
- juvenile has ovate shaped leaves in a
rosette arrangement, deeply lobed margins, and covered in star-shaped hairs.
- pubescent with branched hairs or
nearly glabrous.
- inflorescence a raceme.
- flower petals very small, yellow or
- pod partitioned with 2 to 3
longitudinal nerves.
- siliques 1/2 to 1 1/4 inches long.
- distinguished from other mustards
because of its finely dissected leaves.
Life cycle: winter
Habitat/ Distribution/ Crops associated
- waste places, fields, roadsides
and other disturbed sites.
Herbicide Control Notes:
- Goal, Sinbar, and Karmex/Direx are effective
preemergence. Add Gramoxone to residual herbicides if rosette is well established.