Biology and Management
Registered Herbicides
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Lambsquarter Seedling |
Lambsquarter Flowers |

Lambsquarter is an
annual weed found in cultivated and waste areas throughout the United States. It is common
in most horticultural crops and in sugarbeets, potatoes, mint, wheat, alfalfa and dry
bean. This weed grows upright 1 to 4 feet tall with many branches. The leaves have a wavy
or coarsely toothed margin with a soft gray or white mealy coating on young leaves and
underside of mature leaves. The flowers are inconspicuous gray-green in dense clusters in
leaf axils and branch tips. This is a rapid growing weed with high water use and is
very competitive in most situations. This weed acts as a host for beet leafhopper, which
transmits curly top virus to beets. |
Lambsquarter Mature Plant |
Description |
This section contains information on identification of
the different life stages of Lambsquarter. Select Biology and Management from the
Contents Menu for more information on the biology and management, or select Registered
Herbicides for the herbicides that are registered to control this weed in mint. |