Sheet (requires Acrobat Reader 3.x or
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Adults are oval shaped, about 3 mm long,
very flat, and marked conspicuously with black and white. Nymphs are soft-bodied, yellow
or amber colored. Nymphs and adults have piercing-sucking mouthparts enclosed in a long
beak. The minute pirate bug overwinters as an adult in protected places. Adults emerge in
early spring and females insert eggs in plant tissues. There are three or four generations
each year. Minute pirate bug adults and nymphs are very active predators and may be found
on all above ground parts of plants. Active stages feed by sucking the body fluids from
aphids, spider mites, and immature stages of many small insects. |
Minute Pirate Bug
Nymph and Adult |
View the Fact
Sheet for More Information |
This section contains information on the
identification of minute pirate bugs. The Fact Sheet contains specific information on
identifcation and biology of this predator (requires Acrobat Reader).