Fact Sheet
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Western flower thrips adults are
yellowish-brown to straw colored and about 1 to 2 mm long. Winged adults have four long
and narrow wings with a fringe of long hairs along the margins. Adults overwinter in trash
in protected areas. Adults become active in the spring and lay eggs inside tissues of host
plants. Eggs hatch into nymphs that feed on plant juices. When mature, nymphs drop to the
ground and molt into adults. Under favorable conditions, a complete life cycle may require
only two weeks. There are several overlapping generations each year. |
Western Flower Thrips |
View the Fact
Sheet for More Information |
This section contains information on the
management of thrips in peppermint. The Fact Sheet contains specific information on
identifcation and biology of this pest (requires Acrobat Reader)(also see Berry 1991). |