Registered Herbicides
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General Description:
- 2 to 5 feet tall.
- Simple stems below, much branched above having bushy
- Leaves alternate and of 2 types; lower leaves are
coarse and divided into broad lobes or leaflets.
- Upper leaves are much reduced, finer with narrow lobes
or segments.
- Flowers are small, pale yellow, in racemes.
- Fruit is a slender 2-valved capsule 2 to 4 inches
- Seeds are small, numerous, yellow to brown, and
Life cycle:
Habitat/ Distribution/ Crops associated with:
- European native.
- Widely scattered throughout the U.S.
- Common in small grain fields, rangelands, waste areas,
and along roadsides.
- Plant often breaks off at the soil level at maturity
and scatters seed as it tumbles in the wind.
Herbicide Control Notes:
- Early application of Goal, Karmex/Direx, or Sinbar
provides effective control. Add Gramoxone to residual herbicides if rosette is well