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Tumble Mustard Seedling |
Tumble Mustard Flowers |

Tumble mustard is a winter annual or
annual. It is a native of Europe, but is widely scattered throughout the United States. It
is common in small grains, rangeland, waste areas, and along roadsides. This species often
breaks off at soil level at maturity and scatters seeds as it tumbles in the wind. The
stems are simple below, much branched above having a bushy appearance. It grows 2 to 5
feet tall. Leaves are alternate and of 2 types; lower leaves are coarse and divided into
broad lobes or leaflets. Upper leaves are much reduced and finer with narrow lobes or
segments. Flowers are small, pale yellow, in racemes. Fruit is a slender 2-valved capsule
2 to 4 inches long. The seeds are small, numerous, yellow to brown and oblong. |
Tumble Mustard Mature
Plant |
Description |
This section contains information on identification of
the different life stages of Tumble Mustard. Select Biology and Management from the
Contents Menu for more information on the biology and management, or select Registered
Herbicides for the herbicides that are registered to control this weed in mint. |